Contact Information:
Department of Community Development
6300 Southcenter Blvd., #100
Tukwila, WA 98188
Phone: 206 431-3670
Fax: 206 431-3665
Comprehensive Plan Element Drafts
Tukwila Comprehensive Plan 2024-2044 – Public Hearing (#3 of 3), December 9, 2024
After several years of analysis, community input, and Planning Commission and City Council review, a draft of the 2024-2044 Comprehensive Plan is ready for Public Hearing. Three hearings are scheduled for the Plan – September 23, November 18, and December 9, 2024 – with City Council deliberations and adoption scheduled for December 16, 2024.
The changes proposed in the draft Plan are based on the adopted 2015 Comprehensive Plan. Changes proposed include updates to old information, new state and regional policy guidance the City must adopt, as well as new policies and approaches that the City wishes to include.
The parts of the Plan to be considered are listed below. These include: the individual elements, including their goals and policies; the background report for each element where necessary; and the implementation strategies for the Plan to lay out how the City and community will bring the Plan into a reality. The segments to be considered also include the Plan Introduction.
Comprehensive Plan Draft
- Community Character Element
- Land Use Element, Background Report
- Regional Centers Element
- Housing Element, Background Report, Commerce “Adequate Provisions Checklist“
- Economic Development Element
- Natural Environment Element, Background Report
- Shoreline Element
- Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Element, Background Report
- Transportation Element, Background Report
- Utilities Element, Background Report
- Capital Facilities Element, Background Report
The above Plan Elements and Background Reports may include proposed text changes. These changes, made since the 11/18/24 Public Hearing, are in response to comments provided by the various reviewing agencies (Washington Department of Commerce, King County, and the Puget Sound Regional Council), as well as comments provided by the City Council, Staff, and Public. A summary of comments received and how they were addressed in the Plan is provided here.
Following adoption, the Plan will be formatted, at which time, any missing maps, photos, and other typical segments of the Plan (e.g., Table of Contents, Glossary, etc.) will be added.
Implementation Strategies
- Implementation Strategies (9-2024)
Environmental Review
- SEPA Notice
- Environmental Checklist
- Staff Report
- Addendum to the EIS
- Tukwila Comprehensive Plan EIS 1995
Please send any comments or questions to