
Contact Information:

Public Works Administration
6300 Southcenter Blvd.
Tukwila, WA 98188

Phone: 206 433-0179
Fax: 206 431-3665

Email the Public Works Dept.

NPDES Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit Program

The Department of Ecology (DOE) develops and administers Clean Water Act National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) municipal stormwater permits in Washington.   The Western Washington Phase II permit requires local governments to manage and control stormwater runoff so that it does not pollute downstream waters.

Tukwila’s previous NPDES stormwater permit expired July 31, 2019 and the new permit was issued with an effective date August 1, 2019 to July 31, 2024.

The permit was updated to include Stormwater Planning, MS4 Mapping, and Documentation and Source Control Program for Existing Development.   View the entire 2019-2024 Western Washington Phase II permit with appendices and supporting documents.


Input needed for the 2024 Surface Water Management Plan

Tukwila must submit a Stormwater Management Program Plan each year to the state Department of Ecology as a requirement of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit. The stormwater plan describes actions the City may take in the upcoming year to meet federal water quality protection requirements.

Tukwila is one of more than 100 communities in Washington that must implement requirements for the NPDES Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit. The permit is a requirement of the federal Clean Water Act.

The city values your input and would like to ask you to review and consider the 2024 Stormwater Management Plan and provide your comments and suggestions to by March 22, 2024.


View the King County Manuals

If you have comments or any questions, please contact Russell Betteridge/NPDES Coordinator at (206) 433-7195 or email

To report a hazardous waste spill or other illicit discharges to a storm system, please call (206) 433-1860.


The City of Tukwila has obtained coverage under a NPDES (National Pollution Discharge Elimination System) Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit issued by the Washington State Department of Ecology. The NPDES is a federal requirement under the Clean Water Act that regulates stormwater and wastewater discharges. The permit requires that all affected municipalities create and implement a Stormwater Management Program (SWMP), which address eight required program elements. These elements are:

  1. Stormwater Planning
  2. Public Education and Outreach
  3. Public Involvement and Participation
  4. MS4 Mapping and Documentation
  5. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
  6. Controlling Runoff from New Development, Redevelopment and Construction Sites
  7. Operations and Maintenance
  8. Source Control Program for Existing Development

Each of these required elements has different implementation schedules but all program elements must be fully implemented within the five-year permit term.



Annual Report & Stormwater Management Program Plan

The permit requires the City to submit annual reports to the Department of Ecology no later than March 31st for the preceding calendar year.




Public Education and Outreach

Find out what you know about Storm Water. Take the Pollution Solution Quiz and, learn your Water Pollution Prevention Profile!

How to Watch Your Waste This Driving Season – Tips to keep yourself and our region’s environment safe on your winter car adventures


Hazelnut Articles:

Tukwila Reporter Articles:

Public Participation

The City is required to seek public involvement and participation in the development and implementation of the SWMP. To fulfill this requirement, the City will utilize the following venues in an effort to keep our residents informed on this progress:

  1. This web page
  2. Articles in the City Publication – Hazelnut
  3. Articles in the City Newspaper – Tukwila Reporter
  4. Public Meetings -Workshops and City Council Meetings
  5. Tukwila TV, Twitter and Facebook.
  6. Public Works Outreach Booths at various City functions
  7. Town Hall meetings

Related Phase II Permit Links


NPDES Stormwater Education and Outreach Program Survey

The City’s NPDESPhase II general permit requires that the City measure its residents understanding of the City’s stormwater system. To meet this requirement the City conducted these recent surveys:



This public outreach video series has been created to help build community awareness of Illicit Discharge, Detection and Elimination, including understanding illicit discharges, the damage they can do, what they look like, how to recognize them and what citizens can do to help eliminate them.

The video is available below in three video lengths in both English and Spanish

English Version

IDDE – 10.5 min presentation

IDDE – 2 min presenation

IDDE – 30 sec PSA

Versión Española

IDDE – Presentación 13 minutos

IDDE – Presentación 2.5 minutos

IDDE – 30 segundos PSA



Watch with children and family, and discuss the importance of keeping Tukwila’s waters clean.


Aprendiendo sobre las aguas pluviales (lluvias)


For more information on NPDES Programs or to participate in the development of our Surface Water Management Plan, please contact Russell Betteridge, NPDES Coordinator at  or (206) 433-7195.