

Phone, email, and virtual appointment assistance hours

Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm.

In-person assistance hours

Monday – Thursday, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm.


6200 Southcenter Blvd.
Tukwila, WA 98188



☏ (206) 433-1835

Fax: (206) 433-1833

Business Licensing

The City of Tukwila uses the Washington State Department of Revenue (DOR) for its city business license applications. Please go to to apply for a City of Tukwila business license. Once your application has been approved, the city license will show as an endorsement on your Washington State business license.

The city’s business license requirements are set forth in Chapter 5 of the Tukwila Municipal Code (TMC). Refer also to Chapter 18 TMC regarding zoning and home occupation businesses.

Who Needs to Obtain a City of Tukwila Business License?

Any person engaging in business within Tukwila city limits must obtain a Tukwila business license endorsement. A list of activities that are considered engaging in business is provided in TMC 5.04.010.

To verify whether an address is within Tukwila city limits, you can use our Tukwila iMap at or DOR’s Sales Tax Rate Lookup tool at

How Much is the Annual Business License Fee?

  • For businesses with a physical location within city limits, the fee is $56 per part-time employee and $112 per full-time employee, with a minimum fee of $56.
  • The fee for nonresident businesses is $100.
  • Business licenses are valid for one year and must be renewed annually.
  • Certain entities, such as non-profit businesses with a 501(c)(3) certification, must obtain a business license but are not required to pay a business license fee. See TMC 5.04.090.
  • Additional business license fees apply to cabaret establishments, amusement centers, and businesses operating amusement devices.

Other Fee Information

At the time of application or renewal of the business license, persons with a place of business in Tukwila must estimate the maximum number of employees that are anticipated to be working at or reporting from a location in Tukwila at any time during the 12-month period subject to licensure.

If the business over-reports the number of employees by more than 15 percent, it may request a refund of the overpayment by completing an Application for Refund. 

If the number of employees is under-reported, additional license fees may be assessed by the city.

Businesses are responsible for ensuring that the building, structure, operation or location of the business for which the license is sought complies with the requirements or standards of the TMC. If a business license is denied, revoked, withdrawn, or suspended, the business license fee is nonrefundable.


For additional information, refer to our Business Licensing Frequently Asked Questions or go to

If you still have questions and need assistance, please email or call 206-433-1835 ext. 3.