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Transportation Demand Management Program

Transportation demand management (TDM) refers to a set of strategies aimed at reducing the demand for roadway travel, particularly in single occupancy vehicles. These strategies address a wide range of externalities associated with driving, including congestion, poor air quality, less livable communities, reduced public health, dependence on oil and climate change.

TDM event outreach


The Work We Do

Tukwila’s TDM Team delivers services to residents, employees, and businesses in Tukwila and the partnering jurisdictions of Burien, Des Moines, Kent, Renton, and SeaTac. These programs are possible thanks to state Regional Mobility Grant funding, federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program funding, and in partnership with King County Metro.

Our team manages Tukwila’s Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Program, which requires large employers to reduce commute trips to their worksite. Learn more here:

TDM for Employment Centers – Sea-Tac Airport

The goal of this 2017-2019 pilot project was to educate and incentivize airport workers to try transit, carpool, vanpool, biking or walking to mitigate congestion on I-5, I-405, and I-90 corridors and adjacent arterials. Participants in a monthly rewards program received a $20 gift card as a reward for each month they used their chosen sustainable mode (transit, bike/walk or carpool).

Trips logged by Sea-Tac Airport workers

Over the course of the program, more than 23,000 vehicle trips were reduced. The TDM Team distributed more than 800 ORCA cards to airport workers. 77% of the ORCA cards distributed were tapped on transit, and the cards had an average of 41.5 boardings per card.

SKC Trips

South King County Trips is a sustainable transportation rewards program. Participants set a goal of riding transit, walking or biking, or carpooling, and receive an ORCA card with one month of free transit. Our priority audience is people who have recently moved or are starting a new job and do not have an ORCA card. The TDM Team promotes SKC Trips at resource fairs and community events, and via partners such as Hopelink’s Community Transportation Navigators and Port Jobs.



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