Contact Information:

Public Works Administration
6300 Southcenter Blvd.
Tukwila, WA 98188

Phone: 206 433-0179
Fax: 206 431-3665

Email the Public Works Dept.

Sewer Lift Station 3 Upgrades

Project Overview

Planning Phase: A sewer lift station is a facility that helps move wastewater uphill when natural gravity flow is not sufficient. It plays a crucial role in preventing sewage backups and ensuring proper wastewater transport to treatment facilities. One of the smaller lift stations in the City, lift station 3 upgrades will include upgrading or replacing the control panel, valves, and pumps. A backup power source will also be installed as this facility currently depends on the availability of a portable generator in the case of a power outage. Design is expected to start later in 2024, with construction planned for 2025.



Project Contact