Sign up for a free gardening class, join neighbors at a local park for restoration, take a self-guided native plant tour or spend an afternoon by the river cleaning up litter with volunteers.
Green Tukwila, Hands-On, Volunteer Opportunities
Make new friends while learning about the local watershed and healthy forests. All tools, instruction, and supplies will be provided, sign up below.
- April 22, Earth Day litter clean-up Party, Green River Trail 1:00-2:30 Sign up, click here
Interested in bringing a community or business group out for a restoration or litter clean–up event, reach out to to schedule a private event.
2021 Cascade Gardener Virtual Class Series
Cascade Water Alliance is pleased to provide the 2021 Cascade Gardener virtual class series. All classes are free and will be held through Zoom. Presenters are regional gardening experts who will help you create beautiful gardens and landscapes that are water efficient and sustainable. Space is limited, so register soon.
sign up:
- April 24th 10-11 Healthy Soils – Ladd Smith
Self Guided Native Plant Walk, Tukwila Park
Take a stroll and learn about native plants at Tukwila Park. The self-guided tour takes 20- 30 minutes, you will learn fun facts about 10 native plant species. The tour will be available at Tukwila Park from April 13- April 30th.
Seattle-Tacoma City Nature Challenge 2021 
Help the Seattle-Tacoma Metropolitan Area (Snohomish, King, and Pierce counties) in showing the world how biodiverse our region is by logging observations on a smartphone in your backyard, local park, or other natural areas during this global event! More information: Click Here
- April 15 Virtual Orientation for Families and Individuals SIGN UP
- April 30 – May 3 – Observe and report nature SIGN UP
- April 30 – May 9 – Identify observations on iNaturalist SIGN UP
Get a free $20 ORCA card – Sign up for SKC Trips
Get an ORCA card to pay your transit fare on buses, trains and ferries throughout the Puget Sound. Polluted stormwater runoff is the number one source of pollution to Puget Sound and our waterways and transportation is the top greenhouse gas emitter statewide. Toxins from our roads travel to our streams, rivers, and the ocean — impacting the health of wildlife like salmon and orca whales. We call it an “ORCA card” because riding transit reduces pollution, keeping our ecosystems and orca whales healthy!
Sign up for SKC Trips online to get a free $20 ORCA card
Call Hopelink’s Transportation Resource Line:
(425) 943-6760 x2
9am to 4pm, Monday–Friday
Language interpretation available
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