Domestic Violence Moral Reconation Therapy
An estimated 2 million Americans are assaulted each year by an intimate partner, which often leads to lifetime trauma and disorder for victims. Rehabilitation for those who perpetrate domestic violence is an important tool in reducing this immense problem. Correctional Counseling, Inc., offers evidence-based programming that can help perpetrators be accountable for their actions, understand why they have acted violently, and confront those tendencies in current situations. The programs are founded on a cognitive behavioral programming developed by Correctional Counseling called Moral Reconation Therapy™ (MRT). The MRT-based domestic violence materials are tailored specifically for batterers, or the perpetrators of domestic violence.
The domestic violence program is divided in 24 modules with each module completed in a group session. Clients complete homework for each module prior to coming to a session. In group each client presents his or her homework and the facilitator passes the client to the next module or has the client redo the homework based on objective criteria. All domestic violence MRT groups are open-ended, meaning that new clients can enter an ongoing group at any time. Each group session will usually have new clients as well as some finishing the program.
The Tukwila Municipal Court Support Services department is now facilitating a DV MRT program. Any court/probation department is welcome to refer their clients to this course with the understanding that this is not a Washington state-certified DV Batterer’s Treatment program. MRT has been designated as an “Evidence Based Practice” by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and research has shown that it is effective in reducing recidivism.1
1 Ferguson, L. Myles, Wormith, J. Stephen. (2012). “A Meta-Analysis of Moral Reconation Therapy”, International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.
- All DV MRT classes held via Zoom
- Program Cost: $125 – Payment options available upon request
- Classes offered on Tuesdays only
- For more information, please click here to view Tukwila’s DV MRT Flyer
**Tukwila is now offering Spanish DV MRT – click here to view flyer
Please feel free to submit a waitlist/enrollment request here. This will send an immediate email to our team and we will be able to respond to you quickly as well as quickly get notice to the court of your space on our waitlist.
For further waitlist/enrollment questions:
- E-mail:
- Court Support Services: (206) 433-1842
- To contact other court/locations currently offering DV MRT, please click here.
Current Class Attendees and Recently Enrolled
Running late for class or unable to attend this week? Email us immediately at |
Need to make a payment for your DV MRT class?
Please include your name, case number and court name on all submitted payment information
- In person or check/money order by mail: 15005 Tukwila International Blvd, Tukwila, WA 98188
- Online Payments may be submitted here
- Payments by phone: (206) 620-2571 (east coast time)
Please do not submit any DV MRT payments until you have received confirmation from our team that there is class space available for you.