Contact Information:
City of Tukwila Emergency Management
15005 Tukwila International Blvd
Tukwila, WA 98188
Phone: 206 971-8750
Home Fires
In just TWO minutes, a fire can become life-threatening.
In FIVE minutes, a residence can be fully engulfed in flames.
Facts About Fire
- Fires are FAST! In less than 30 seconds a small flame can turn into a major fire.
- Fire is HOT! Heat is more threatening than flames. Room temperatures can be 100 degrees at floor level and rise to 600 degrees at eye level. These temperatures will scorch your lungs and melt your clothes to your skin.
- Fire is DARK! Fire starts bright, but quickly produces thick, black smoke.
- Fire is DEADLY! You are more likely to die from smoke inhalation than the fire itself.
Preventing Home Fires
- Do not leave pots on the stove unattended.
- Inspect and clean fireplaces, woodstove pipes, and chimneys annually.
- Do not smoke in bed.
- Keep candles away from open windows, papers, and curtains.
- Keep matches and lighters out of the reach of children.
- Never cook in any room of your house other than the kitchen.
- Avoid overloading power strips and outlets.
Preparing for Home Fires
- Install smoke detectors and check their batteries annually. Be sure to replace your smoke detectors at least every 10 years.
- Have a fire extinguisher available. Know when and how to use it.
- Create and practice a home escape plan.
What to do During a Fire
- Alert others and get out of the building. A fire can travel through the house in less than five minutes.
- Get low to the ground and crawl to an exit.
- Once outside the building, stay outside.
- Go to your family’s designated meeting space.
- Call 9-1-1.
Learn more about what to do before during and after a fire at: or schedule a fire safety class with Tukwila’s Fire Department by calling Fire Station 52 at: 206-575-4404
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